In loving memory of my Dad, John Flynn, who dedicated his life to the 'hotdogs' of S.H. Armstrong Recreation Centre.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


 This is Thomas Dominguez.  He lost his leg in an accident but that doesn't stop him from working everyday.  You would think with the loss of a limb, one would have a desk job....not Thomas.  He is on the beach each morning at 6 am.  He makes his way down a steep hill of sand with his crutches to rake and clean the beach shore line along with the city works team.  I see him every morning, and thought he deserved the wheelchair, that the Balm Beach gang donated, most of all.  So Thomas happily accepted the wheelchair and told me he was thrilled to be mobile, and would now be able to boot around the La Sirena shopping centre!

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