In loving memory of my Dad, John Flynn, who dedicated his life to the 'hotdogs' of S.H. Armstrong Recreation Centre.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Franklin Daniel is thoroughly enjoying his time as a Dominicanada Youth Development Centre member.  His story is familiar as one of the children from the Playa Oeste area.  He is 10 yrs old and lives with his grandmother, after being abandoned by his mother at birth.  He was never declared, has no birth certificate, and therefore officially should not be allowed to attend school.  His grandmother pleaded with Hilda to enroll him at the school to keep him off the street while she is working her 12 hour shifts.  This is Franklin Daniel's first year ever at school.  When he arrived he did not even know how to hold a pencil.  Look at him writing his name just after a few weeks.  We are so proud of you Franklin Daniel!
If you would like to sponsor other children like Franklin, to attend school, and to be a Dominicanada Youth Development Centre member, you can read about their families to the right.  If you would like to contribute to our sponsorship program, a donation of just $35.00 a month, literally $1.00 a day, sponsors a child.  Your donation helps pay for the costs of a child attending school, school supplies, school uniforms,medicine, family support, and overall costs of running the Youth Development Centre.  Sponsorship or one time donations can be made through the paypal button on this blog above, and will be greatly appreciated.

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