In loving memory of my Dad, John Flynn, who dedicated his life to the 'hotdogs' of S.H. Armstrong Recreation Centre.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Here you will find photos of Teacher Helen and Teacher Victoria enjoying Carnival time with our kids. Teacher Teresa has also been organizing some fantastic projects. Thank you to the 3 best teachers in the DR!!

Dominican Carnival usually runs throughout the entire month of February until February 27th which is Dominican Independence Day. Carnival has been celebrated since the early 1500's. It is thought to have been introduced to the DR by Christopher Columbus. It has been celebrated by families as a traditional curb-side parade in the main streets, with each town adding their own spin. Parades are full of music, masks and coloured costumes full of whistles, bells and mirrors. The main characters of carnival are Diablo Cojuelo (Limping Devil) and Lechones. These are usually found carrying whips and their masks have spikey horns, bills like a duck and/or lots of scarey teeth. You will find most children at the parade with a Vejiga in hand. These are dried pig or cow bladders that are inflated like a balloon. They were originally used during the parades for crowd control. The object is to hit anyone and everyone that walks past.....and they do hurt!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentines Day is a big event in the Dominican Republic, El Dia de Amor, the day of love, is sometimes considered a holiday more popular than Christmas.  Everyone tries to find a little gift for their love, and always for their mother.  Our kids shown below with Teacher Helen, made these beautiful hearts for the loves of their lives, their moms!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Our kids were very busy this month with activities for Independence Day.
The colors of the Dominican flag are very prominent in these photos.  Red, white and navy blue

 On February 27th, 1844, Juan Pablo Duarte declared independence from Haiti.
The first constitution of the Dominican Republic was adopted on November 6th, 1844, and was modeled after the United States Constitution.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


A big shout out from the kids at Dominicanada go to Brenda Campbell from the Lion's Club and friends from Hanover for so kindly collecting and transporting supplies from Canada to our Centre in Puerto Plata.  Thank you so much Brenda. Brenda's group were in Puerto Plata for a wedding, and took the time out of their holiday to arrange the delivery of some much needed supplies.  Our kids are making very good use of knapsacks, crayons, colouring books, and yummy peanut butter amongst other things!  Another big thank you to my good friend Tara Schlatman for arranging the connection and Helen Smith our British delight that arranged the delivery of all to our kids.