In loving memory of my Dad, John Flynn, who dedicated his life to the 'hotdogs' of S.H. Armstrong Recreation Centre.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Thank you so much to all of our sponsors over the Christmas Season.  We all know that times are tough, especially during the holiday season, it isn't always easy to find that extra few dollars to help out.  Thanks to all of our dedicated sponsors and new supporters in Englehart and P.E.I. who generously donated to help make our annual Christmas party a huge success.

Lots of presents for all the good girls and boys.  Santa was at the Centre early this year.......
Ho Ho Ho Ho

The pineapple cake was the favorite of the day.  Not your typical Christmas cake in Canada, but a very popular choice in Puerto Plata.

Our kids have one thing they love to do more than anything else and that is dance Merengue.  They are taught as infants, and are the best little dancers around.

As you can see by these photos the kids all had a great time, with lots of food, fun and games and presents.  Thank you again to all of our sponsors for their generosity and so much love.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Christmas is approaching faster than we can imagine.  We are busy fundraising for our annual Dominicanada Christmas party.  Thank you to Ally for her donation from selling her pop bottle cap necklaces to her classmates. Thank  you to all in Englehart, Tammy MacKinnon and her friends and family in P.E.I. for starting us off with a blast.  Donations are still being collected and can be made with the yellow paypal donate button you see directly to the left of this post.  All donations will be used to purchase food for a planned 70 kids (although last year we were able to feed 150!).  We hope to be able to raise enough funds to copy the party we had last year.  Hearty sandwiches for all, cake, fruit kabobs, and a very fruity fruit punch, candies, cookies, lollipops and goodie bags to take home.  We hope to be able to have gifts for each child as we did last year as well.  There definitely will be lots of loud music and dancing again we can guarantee that!

On behalf of everyone from our Dominicanada family, we thank you for all your love and support.  We wish you and your families all a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012.